Duke Universityduke, dook |
90.2% |
University of Michiganmichigan, umich, um, uofm |
90.3% |
Stanford Universitystanford, sls |
90.4% |
University of California - Berkeleyberkeley, ucb, boalt |
92.3% |
University of Chicagochicago, uchi |
92.4% |
New York Universitynyu |
93.5% |
Columbia Universitycolumbia, cls |
93.8% |
University of Virginiauva |
94.3% |
University of Pennsylvaniapenn, upenn |
94.6% |
Cornell Universitycornell |
95.8% |
Boston Collegebc |
75.1% |
University of Minnesotaminnesota, uminn |
76.1% |
Brigham Young Universitybyu, clark |
76.1% |
University of California - Davisdavis, ucd, king |
77.5% |
University of Iowaiowa |
77.8% |
University of Texastexas, ut |
78.1% |
Washington University in St Louiswashu, wustl |
78.3% |
University of Notre Damenotredame, nd |
78.8% |
George Washington Universitygw |
78.9% |
University of Southern Californiausc, gould |
79.3% |
Georgetown Universitygulc, gtown |
79.9% |
University of Kentuckykentucky, uk |
80.2% |
University of New Mexiconewmexico |
80.2% |
University of California - Los Angelesucla |
81% |
Northwestern Universitynorthwestern, nu, nw |
81.4% |
Emory Universityemory |
83.6% |
Vanderbilt Universityvanderbilt, vandy |
84.5% |
Harvard Universityharvard, hls |
89.9% |
Texas Tech Universitytexastech, ttu |
60.6% |
Northern Illinois Universityniu |
60.6% |
Loyola Marymount Universityloyola-la |
60.6% |
Indiana University - Indianapolisindiana-indy, IU |
61.3% |
St. John's Universitystjohns |
61.5% |
Rutgers State University - Camdenrutgers-camden |
61.5% |
Temple Universitytemple, beasley |
61.7% |
Tulane Universitytulane |
61.8% |
South Texas College of Law Houstonsouthtexas |
61.8% |
Nova Southeastern Universitynova, broad |
62.1% |
Albany Law Schoolalbany, union |
62.3% |
St. Louis Universityslu |
62.6% |
Drexel Universitydrexel |
63.1% |
University of Cincinnaticincinnati |
63.2% |
University of Washingtonwashington, uw |
63.5% |
Oklahoma City Universityocu |
63.6% |
Creighton Universitycreighton |
63.9% |
University of New Hampshirenh, franklin pierce |
64.3% |
University of Missouri - Kansas Citymissouri-kc, umkc |
64.3% |
Washington and Lee Universitywl |
64.6% |
Drake Universitydrake |
64.6% |
Southern Illinois Universitysiu, carbondale |
64.8% |
Villanova Universityvillanova |
65% |
Rutgers State University - Newarkrutgers-newark |
65.2% |
University of South Carolinasouthcarolina, usc |
65.4% |
Florida International Universityfiu |
65.6% |
Indiana University - Bloomingtonindiana, IU, mauer |
65.8% |
Penn State Universitypennstate, dickinson |
65.9% |
University of Missouri - Columbiamissouri, mizzou |
65.9% |
University of Louisvillelouisville, brandeis |
66.1% |
Willamette Universitywillamette, collins |
66.4% |
University of Houstonhouston, uhlc, uh |
66.4% |
University of Wisconsinwisconsin |
66.5% |
University of Utahutah, uu, quinney |
66.7% |
University of Nevada - Las Vegasunlv |
66.9% |
Florida State Universityfsu |
67.2% |
University of Montanamontana |
67.5% |
Fordham Universityfordham |
67.8% |
University of South Dakotasouthdakota |
67.9% |
University of Kansaskansas, ku |
68.1% |
University of Idahoidaho |
68.3% |
Baylor Universitybaylor |
68.4% |
University of Oklahomaoklahoma, ou |
68.5% |
University of Miamimiami, um, the u |
68.9% |
Mercer Universitymercer, george |
69.2% |
University of Floridaflorida, uf, levin |
69.3% |
University of Tulsatulsa |
69.4% |
University of North Carolinaunc, chapel hill |
69.6% |
Southern Methodist Universitysmu, dedman |
69.7% |
University of Coloradocolorado, cu, boulder |
69.7% |
University of Georgiageorgia, uga |
70.6% |
Wake Forest Universitywake, wf |
71.1% |
Arizona State Universityasu, o'connor |
71.2% |
Georgia State Universitygsu |
71.2% |
University of Arizonaarizona, rogers |
71.5% |
Seton Hall Universitysetonhall |
72.3% |
Washburn Universitywashburn |
72.3% |
Louisiana State Universitylsu, hebert |
72.4% |
University of Illinoisillinois, uofi, urbana-champaign |
72.4% |
William and Marywm, marshall-wythe |
72.6% |
Yale Universityyale, yls |
72.6% |
Boston Universitybu |
72.8% |
University of Alabamaalabama, bama |
73.1% |
University of Nebraskanebraska |
73.5% |
Ohio State Universityosu, moritz |
73.8% |
University of California - Irvineirvine, uci |
74.2% |
University of Mainemaine |
50.5% |
Texas Southern Universitytexassouthern, tsu, marshall |
50.7% |
University of Akronakron |
50.8% |
University of California - Hastingshastings, uch |
51.2% |
University of Baltimorebaltimore |
51.3% |
Marquette Universitymarquette |
51.4% |
Chicago-Kent College of Lawkent, illinois institute of technology |
51.7% |
Texas A&Mtexasam, texas wesleyan, tamu |
52.2% |
Brooklyn Law Schoolbrooklyn |
52.4% |
University of Pittsburghpitt |
52.5% |
Lewis and Clark Collegelewisandclark, northwestern |
52.6% |
Charleston School of Lawcharleston, csol |
52.7% |
Loyola University New Orleansloyola-neworleans |
52.8% |
University of Daytondayton |
52.9% |
University of Connecticutuconn |
52.9% |
Mississippi Collegemississippicollege |
53.1% |
Northeastern Universitynortheastern |
53.2% |
Wayne State Universitywayne |
53.3% |
Widener University - Pennsylvaniawidener, harrisburg |
54% |
University of Hawaiihawaii, richardson, manoa |
54.4% |
American Universityamerican, washington college of law |
54.6% |
University of Mississippimississippi, ole miss |
54.8% |
Case Western Reserve Universitycasewestern, cwru |
54.8% |
University of Arkansas - Fayettevillearkansas-fayetteville |
55% |
DePaul Universitydepaul |
55.2% |
George Mason Universitygmu |
55.4% |
Loyola University Chicagoloyola-chicago |
55.7% |
Howard Universityhoward |
55.8% |
William Mitchell College of Lawwilliammitchell |
55.9% |
University of Denverdenver, du, sturm |
56% |
University of Illinois Chicago School of Lawjohnmarshall-chicago,jmls,uic |
56.6% |
Samford Universitysamford, cumberland |
56.6% |
Cardozo-Yeshiva Universitycardozo |
56.6% |
Touro Collegetouro, fuchsberg |
56.6% |
Gonzaga Universitygonzaga |
56.8% |
University of Tennesseetennessee, utk |
57% |
Stetson Universitystetson |
57% |
Duquesne Universityduquesne |
57.1% |
University of Memphismemphis, humphreys |
57.3% |
Syracuse Universitysyracuse |
57.4% |
University of Marylandmaryland, carey |
57.4% |
Hofstra Universityhofstra, deane |
57.7% |
Pace Universitypace |
58.5% |
St. Mary's Universitystmarys |
58.7% |
West Virginia Universitywvu |
58.9% |
University of Richmondrichmond, williams |
59.1% |
University of Arkansas - Little Rockarkansas-littlerock, bowen |
59.2% |
University of North Dakotanorthdakota, UND |
59.2% |
SUNY Buffalobuffalo |
59.7% |
Campbell Universitycampbell |
59.7% |
North Carolina Central Universitynccu, nc central |
40.9% |
Arizona Summit Law Schoolarizonasummit, phoenix, infilaw |
41.7% |
Barry Universitybarry |
42.1% |
New England School of Lawnewengland |
42.1% |
Quinnipiac Universityquinnipiac |
42.5% |
New York Law Schoolnewyork, nyls |
43.1% |
John Marshall Law School - Atlantajohnmarshal-atl,jmls |
43.7% |
University of Toledotoledo |
43.9% |
Northern Kentucky Universitynku, chase |
44.9% |
Widener University - Delawarewidener, wilmington |
44.9% |
University of the Pacificpacific, mcgeorge |
45.5% |
University of La Vernelaverne |
45.5% |
Faulkner Universityfaulkner, jones |
45.8% |
Catholic University of Americacatholic, columbus |
45.8% |
Roger Williams Universityrogerwilliams, rwu |
46.2% |
Michigan State Universitymsu, michstate, detroit college of law, dcl |
46.8% |
Suffolk Universitysuffolk |
46.9% |
St. Thomas University - Floridastu |
47.2% |
Liberty Universityliberty |
47.4% |
Regent Universityregent |
47.5% |
University of Oregonoregon |
47.8% |
Chapman Universitychapman |
47.8% |
Ohio Northern Universityonu, pettit |
47.9% |
University of San Diegosandiego, usd |
47.9% |
Vermont Law Schoolvermont |
48.5% |
CUNYcuny-queens, city university of new york |
48.7% |
Hamline Universityhamline |
48.7% |
California Western School of Lawcalwestern |
48.9% |
University of St. Thomas - Minneapolisstthomas |
49% |
Pepperdine Universitypepperdine |
49% |
Cleveland-Marshall College of Lawcleveland |
49% |
Seattle Universityseattle |
49.2% |
University of Wyomingwyoming |
49.3% |
Valparaiso Universityvalparaiso, valpo |
49.4% |
Florida A&M Universityfamu |
31% |
Western State Universitywesternstate, argosy |
32.7% |
University of San Franciscosanfrancisco, usf |
33% |
Charlotte School of Lawcharlotte, infilaw, csol |
34.1% |
Southern University Law Centersouthern |
34.6% |
Florida Coastal School of Lawfloridacoastal, infilaw |
34.7% |
Santa Clara Universitysantaclara, scu |
35.6% |
Appalachian School of Lawappalachian |
35.8% |
Western New England University School of Lawwesternnewengland |
36.7% |
University of Detroit Mercydetroit-mercy |
37.2% |
Ave Maria School of Lawavemaria |
37.3% |
Capital Universitycapital |
38.8% |
Southwestern Law Schoolsouthwestern |
39% |
Elon Law Schoolelon |
39.4% |
Concordia University School of Lawconcordia |
0% |
Rutgers Universityrutgers,camden,newark |
0% |
Pennsylvania State University - Dickinson Lawpennstate,dickinson,psu |
0% |
Pennsylvania State University - Penn State Lawpennstate,psu,college park |
0% |
Mitchell Hamline School of Lawmitchell,hamline,william |
0% |
University of North Texas Dallas College of Lawunt, northtexas, dallas |
0% |
Indiana Techindiana tech |
0% |
Golden Gate Universitygoldengate |
25.7% |
Whittier Law Schoolwhittier |
27.3% |
University of The District of Columbiaudc, clarke |
28.2% |
Thomas Jefferson School of Lawthomasjefferson, tjsl |
29.7% |
Western Michigan University - Cooley Law Schoolcooley, wmu |
30% |